What I learned on the radio this week

Good morning 🌞 

I was listening to the radio the other day and was suddenly deeply impacted by the topic.

It was about giving.

And I couldn’t help but become sad about the way I tend to look at giving, along with most of society.

Here’s the problem…

As humans, we are wired to consume and keep.

We save for a rainy day and are always trying to ensure we have everything we need.

Even for decades to come.

The problem with this is that it leads to extreme unhappiness.

We don’t often realize this as the source, but the more we have, the more we want, and the more we tend to have to maintain this mindset as we try to provide for ourselves.

My dad told me that my great-grandpa used to say, “The more s*** you have, the more s*** you have to maintain.”

And it’s true.

Have you ever noticed that people who have more material possessions tend to spend their time and money either maintaining those possessions or attaining more?

We forget that it is in GIVING that we RECEIVE.

It’s yet another mysterious way the Lord works.

When we are generous, the Lord is generous in return.

It’s the opposite of the way we think.

But it’s true.

When we are detached from our material possessions and willing to give them away, the Lord takes notice.

And he blesses us abundantly.

So take a big leap and give something away that hurts.

Likely, it might be a large chunk of change.

Let the Lord work in your heart and ask for the grace to become more generous.

That’s what I’ve been asking of him lately.

Lord, give me a generous heart. Help me to give without counting the cost and detach from anything keeping me from You.

God bless,
Mitch and Taylor