It's just a season...

Good morning 🌞 

January has been full of lots of changes for us.

Taylor is back in school every day.

Henley started daycare and is eating real food!

We have a lot less time together at home, but we know the Lord is bringing forth a lot of fruit during this season.

We know that’s just what this is… a season.

Before we know it, we’ll be back together again more often. Taylor will be done with school and we’ll be in a new season.

Regardless of whether the current season you are in is good or bad, realize it’s just a season.

The Lord allows consolation and He allows desolation, all to bring us closer to Him.

Spend your consolation glorifying God, enjoying His gifts, making necessary changes and discernments, and preparing for desolation.

Spend your desolation glorifying God, enjoying His gifts, staying committed to what you decided in consolation, and knowing consolation will come.

This isn’t to say we are experiencing desolation necessarily, but the Lord does permit certain seasons in our lives to bring us into closer intimacy with Him.

No matter where we are, He is using our current situation to call to us and give us the graces to say “yes” to Him in everything.

May God bless you and your family!
Mitch and Taylor